Saturday, October 10, 2009

He played with his Diego truck!

Well, Mason had a great day yesterday. He was pushing his diego truck across the floor! Then he crashed it into his daddy's leg. Then he walked the dinosaurs over and did the same. He did this about three times and he was laughing! Jon picked him up and told him how proud he was of him and Mason made the dinosaur walk on his daddy's head. Then he said down to Jon and he put him down. Then he took the dinosaur up Jon's leg and said "climb a tree". Our mouths hit the floor!

He also took Callie's little cube that plays music and was taking it away from her and laughing when she crawled towards it. :)

I'm so proud of him!

His behaviors are also decreasing. He is excepting no much better. :)

I also cut his toenails with no problem at all today! He didn't flinch! Usually he kicks, screams and pulls away from me. His visual stims are picking up today though. He's getting really close to the tv (like an inch) and was walking close to the wall again. He also hard a harder time looking me in the eyes today. I'm just crossing my fingers he's not getting sick.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fingers crossed!

Well, today started off rough. Mason pooped his pants twice (he's never done this) once was right when he woke up and the next time he was running to the potty saying I go pee potty and it was too late. Other than that, we had a pretty good day.

Mason's vocabulary is expanding. Callie was starting to crawl towards his lined up letters and Mason handed her a butterfly rattle and said "try this". I laughed so hard! He didn't want her to touch his letters :) I was just glad he realized to hand her something else instead of throwing a tantrum! I also asked him to do his cards then go outside with his TSS and he said "not yet". Gina also said she had some good conversation with him outside while playing. Then tonight he was lining up his letters again (this is really bad right now due to the dieoff from the yeast i believe) and he was lining up his lowercase letters and he grabbed the uppercase P and said "That's not it, it's a big P. How about this one. That's p." WOW. Then he lined them up to the y and said "I still have one more". I am just amazed and grateful.

I did get a letter from school yesterday saying he's had a rough week, throwing himself on the ground, defiance, tipping chairs over.... I laughed a little I must admit because that means to me it really is doing something to him! Hopefully we are over the toughest part and we continue to see more good things!