Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello :)

Well, I don't even know where to start. I sit here tonight and think about everything we've been through. If you know anything about me already, you probably know our son Mason has autism. It's amazing how far he's come.

Mason is making HUGE progress. The kid is trying so hard. He told me yesterday he was sad because he didn't want to get out of the bath tub. He also told me that he was happy after I gave him an extra 5 minutes. I wasn't ever sure that he would know emotions. I just still can't believe it.

Also at the park today, I heard Mason say "ok" and he took off up the steps with another kid at the park. They then sat down on the double slide and went down it together. It was the first time I've ever seen Mason do something with another child. We must be doing something right.

We have Mason in a preschool for Autistic kiddos. He also has ABA with a TSS 10 hours a week. I credit these therapies and the people that help us carry them out. We've been extremely lucky to have therapists that care about him and us as a family. They help so much and I'm sure they have no idea how much they mean to us.

Mason is becoming more and more in our world and less in his autistic world. He tries to talk to us and he still can't fully get all his speech together. The first two or three words are clear but then if he tries to speak in longer sentences it runs together. He mixes up questions for example he says "Do you want chips?" when he really means "I want chips". We're working on it and he now usually says "I want chips" now but sometimes he still says "Do you I want chips". He also still loves to line things up. He still flaps sometimes and throws himself down if he's mad. But he's come so far. He's learning so fast.

We are very heavy into biomeds with Mason. He's been on a gluten free/casein free diet for almost two years now (November). He's also on vitamin/mineral supplements (brainchild), he's on cod liver oil, Threelac, zeolite and our newest adventure digestive enzymes. I wish we would have started the enzymes when we first started the diet. We also give him an epsom salt bath almost everyday and the days that we don't we have a cream to put on his back.

Our goal is to mainstream him. I really think it's possible. I have since we first got the diagnosis.

I had started a blog on myspace, maybe i'll put them up on here. It's just amazing and reassuring that we are on the right path.

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