Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New speech

Well today went well. Mason's speech is improving. What was jiberish, is becoming clearer. Some things I'm understanding and other things I still can't get. He told me he was ready to get out of the bath tub and then turned around and said no i not ready yet :) Also his car for his geotrax came today in the mail and he was excitied for me to open it. He was actually trying to rip the package from my hands. He doesn't normally even care!

Also his behaviors are improving. I can't even remember what happened today but something that normally sets him off didn't.. I wish I could remember what it was. I need to write stuff down.

I asked him to write Mason today and he did it :) Then I was talking to my mom and he started writing Kohan! I was so impressed! :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He wrote his ABC's!!!

Today was a huge day in terms of progress! He really didn't say anything new today, although we are starting to be able to understand more of what he is saying. I came home from cheer practice and Mason was working on this thing that teaches you how to write letters. I had tried to get him to write his letters probably about 3 weeks ago and he couldn't do it. Well tonight he did it! I was screaming and clapping him so hard. He was VERY proud of himself. I really think this might be from the diflucan working. Three weeks ago he couldn't do it!

He is doing better overall. He worked with his TSS today. He wasn't as enthusastic about it, but he did some work.

Also he sat with Callie and made Tigger bounce for her by pushing a button. :)

Hopefully things keep getting better!!
* I have no clue why the pics are all over the place.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Crazy day.

Well, today was day three with no antibiotic to feed the yeast. It was like watching him almost two years ago with more speech. SCARY. My mom came in and he didn't even acknowledge her. Then he went and sat behind the rocking chair and lined up his alphabet puzzle pieces. He never does this anymore. He used to do this constantly.

He was saying across the bridge and under the bridge with his trains :)

He really didn't do anything with Gina when she was here. He's just having it rough but I am determined to push on. I really think we're going to see huge gains! He had one complete crying fit today. I'm sure it's upsetting his little body. :(

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Let the fun begin...

Well today is day two with no antibiotic so it's been a long day. I gave him his bath and after his bath he laughed for 15 to 20 minutes straight. I have never seen him do this but from everything i've read this is very common. Usually most parents say the can hear their child laughing in the middle of the night. He's always very "silly" though which most parents say is because of yeast.

He did ask to sit on my lap today and last night he asked to sit on Jon's lap. That's a huge deal for him.

He also pet Felix (the cat) today nicely. Usually if he touches the animals he pounds on them. He was actually petting them. :)

He is chewing on everything again. His pants, his bike, he was even trying to chew his knee at one point.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time for an update.

Mason's speech has been improving little by little everyday. Things that were very jumbled that you couldn't even try to understand are becoming clearer. Some you can understand now, and some is still jumbled but is starting to sound like English. He finished his antibiotic yesterday for his ear infection so hopefully, the yeast meds won't have to fight the antibiotics to clear him up.

I've been trying to keep a record of all the new and amazing things he's said but Callie has been sick and ended up going to the ER on Thursday night so things have been a little crazy around here.

Mason did ask his TSS to go outside with him yesterday. It was a two sentence phrase. I don't remember what he said exactly though............... That's what 4 hours of sleep will do to a person.

This morning I asked him if his ears still hurt or if they were better and he said better. So that's really great, I hope he understood what I was asking. I think he does though.

He also just walked over to Callie on his own and tickled her and said tickle tickle tickle. That was a first :) Also, when I laid him down for his nap he said "Goodnight Mom". :) He also said "it's working" when I put new batteries in his computer!

I'll try to keep better track of the phrases he's using. Things are finally settling down some.

Mason just walked over to Jon and said I hold you Daddy. Not exactly right, but WOW. Also tonight I was putting away clothes and he yelled at me from downstairs and then came up to find me and said downstairs mom. He was also playing on his computer and he said upper case and lower case correctly for his game.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New phrases coming out.

Well, last night Mason was tolerating us a little more. He has kind of isolated himself back into autism (regression). Things are getting a little better. He did cards with his TSS yesterday and today he has started telling us I love you if we say it to him. For a couple of days he wouldn't say it back to us, which is kind of weird because a lot of the time he tells us on his own. His eye contact is also improving, he will look at us for a longer time.

His speech is becoming clearer. This morning I woke up to him singing his ABC's. The part where you sing next time won't you sing with me was MUCH clearer.

He also has new phrases coming out. He walked outside today and said "it's very very hot outside". WOW. On a not so good note Mason has been saying "i feel sorry". Not sure what that's about but as his speech gets clearer I think we will continue to notice phrases that are incorrectly used.

Last night Mason got up from his nap and was VERY irritable. I wanted a kiss so I kind of got in his face and he screamed and ran away. (This was very common two years ago). I left him alone. Also, he wanted to ride his bike (smartcycle) and we were watching tv so we hooked up the bike in the bedroom and he threw a tantrum of screaming and laying down for at least 20 minutes. Not common at all anymore. Most of the time we can avoid a tantrum and if we can't two minutes is usually tops anymore (unless he has an ear infection).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 4..

Mason asked me to "sit lap". He was holding his Clifford book. I asked him if he wanted me to read it to him and he said yes. The only book he ever wants read is I love you Daddy and that's when he's laying in bed. I was in the shower earlier and Mason said "mommy in shower" i said yeah, mommy's in the shower and then he said "Gina commin'?" (that's his TSS) I said yep, Gina's comming. I then asked him if he was excited for Gina to come and he said yes. Progress? I think so.

Today I can't really get him to concentrate on anything though. His TSS was here and he really didn't want to do anything which is very unusual for him. He has been watching tv two centimeters away from it. Lining up everything. He couldn't seem to get in and out of the bath tub on his own. I had to help him. He's putting everything in his mouth. He was throwing his bowling ball instead of rolling it. He has been patting everyone hard, usually he's patting us but it's gental patting. He's also ate three things of his yogurt today.

Hopefully we start seeing more improvement soon.

On a side note, Miss Callie started clapping yesterday. :)

Later tonight Chloe started barking (as she always does) and Mason asked "what's that". Then he ran as fast as he could to me and said "fast". He also has asked for his rice/beans tub for two days in a row.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mason's peditrician gave me diflucan

Well, it's been a great week. Mason had his regular 4 year check up on Tuesday. I decided I would talk to the doctor and ask about yeast treatment (diflucan) and getting his immune system tested. He gave me the card of a lady to get his immune system checked. Also we found Mason has another ear infection. I believe this is number 4 this year.

Ask and you shall receive.

Mason's regular peditrician gave me a two month supply of diflucan. I simply told him EVERY time we up his probiotic that we see more speech and then it slowly fades away. I told him that some of these kids need an anti fungal for two or three months and some need it for a year. He said "I can do that". I think my mouth hit the floor. He gave me a two month supply and told me to call back in a month and let him know how he's doing.

We are on day three today. We are seeing a huge regression. He's not talking to much, he's licking and chewing EVERYTHING (his shirt, his arm, the front of his bike, his fingers). I'm so happy. Regression to me means something is happening for a good reason. It means it's killing the yeast. I hope it gets better soon. I hate to see my little guy in distress but at the same time, No pain No gain.

Day 1 I really didn't see or notice anything different. Yesterday, day 2, Mason said some very interesting things. First my mom was watching him, I had a game, and they were getting ready to pick me and Bree up and my mom told him we have go to the school to get mommy and Aunt Brianna. Mason said "I know where we're going". Then last night His train fell off the track and he said "It falled off. I'll get you." HUGE It took a minute for it to sink in.

Now today, day 3, he's been asking for everything with sugar. I won't give it to him and he's pissed to say the least. He's chewing and licking everything and not really talking too much. Jenny Mccarthy said her son went almost catatonic and then started puking and other things I won't mention on here. Then she said that's when her son started having back and forth conversations with her. I'm crossing my fingers and taking video EVERY step of the way!

Pray that it helps :)

Also, i forgot to add that Mason gained 13 lbs in a year! When he was born he was in the 95th percentile for height and 90th for weight. At his two year appointment he was 95th for height and 50th for weight. Now he's back up to the 95th and 90th!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some old posts from my myspace.

Well, here's all the old posts from my myspace blog. I look back on these and in some ways it still feels like yesterday, but on the other hand when I look at him and think of how far he's come, it's amazing. I feel like God is giving us our little boy back.

Also, I just wanted to clarify we started digestive enzymes from Houston within two weeks ago and we have seen HUGE gains with it. More eye contact, more speech, more questions, more social (him going down the slide with the kid at the park). I just can't believe I hesitated so long about them.

Another thing lately that we have had gains with is Mason had an ear infection and the typical antibiotic didn't work so they gave him another one. He started dressing himself and also started running to the door when you walk and and giving hugs and kisses :) I really think the antibiotic had something to do with it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mason and Threelac 3-26-08 Current mood: bouncy
I started Mason on a yeast probiotic called Threelac. We started on 3-14. In a little over a week and a half we have seen some dramatic improvements with his speech. He is repeating two and three word phrases/sentences much more. The other day he repeated blue’s clues, oh man, Go Diego Go (just to name a few). It’s pretty amazing. On Easter he took out the new bubble wand he got and said "This is yellow" and he was right! It was in fact yellow! He also heard a car that sounded like daddy’s car, he ran to the basement door, opened the cat door and said "where’s dad". He has been saying "I love you" altogether. These are HUGE improvements.

A side effect of the Threelac is that we have more stimming (watching ceiling fans, turning lights off and on, watching wheels turn), but things have been getting better with that too. The stimming was the worst the second day of the treatment. It has been slowing dying off.

Jon and I are really liking what we see. It’s just amazing. Mason has started turning the tv off and on upon request. His therapists are amazed.

Currently he is teaching himself to count to 20. No joke. He misses 15 most of the time, but he’s 2. I’m sure he’ll get it and a lot farther by 3. :) Jon said he’ll be impressed if I get him to 100 by nursery school. I think it’s a possibility. I’m just encouraging what he is basically teaching himself.

I also have an order for a speech therapist to start working with him. That just happened yesterday, so I don’t know a whole lot about that yet. We have a BSC coming today to start with him. Basically she will run an ABA program to help with eye contact and following simple directions. Right now the only direction he follows is to turn on or off the tv. Mason is also approved for a TSS for 12 hours a week, but currently we are waiting for one. I guess there is a demand for them so we have to wait. I’m not sure how long we will wait...

So that’s where we are right now. We started Mason on a vitamin supplement called Super Nu Thera which has extra B-6. He hates it so I am slowly adding it little by little to his juice.


Thursday, February 14, 2008
It’s official. autism.
Well Mason had his evaluation on Tuesday. He has autism. On a great note, the doctor said he was doing REALLY well with his therapy (early intervention) and that he is a great candidate for the ABA therapy. (Which the lovely state of Pennsylvania will pick up the tab for his ABA therapy, thank God.) I've read that ABA therapy can cost $75 - $100 an hour and most kids with autism need 30 - 40 hours a week. There is no way we could afford that. So we were told to get him a medical card and start from there.

The doctor said we should receive her report by mail in three weeks. She also told us Mason has a LOT of great strengths. I was happy she realized this and didn't make it seem like 'your kid has autism, nothing you can do about it'. She seemed like there was light at the end of the tunnel. Which is the greatest feeling in the world.

The evalutation was simple. She tried to make Mason look at her and he wouldn't. She watched him play and tried to play with him. He kinda tolerated her, but wasn't interested in her at all. She did tell him to give mommy a hug and he did that! I was excitied. He doesn't wrap his arms around you but he leans in towards you. At least it's some form of affection.

Our next step is to get Mason to a DAN! doctor. A DAN! doctor is specially trained at Defeating Autism. Recovery does happen. I truly believe with tons of work and medicial intervention we can recover him. DAN doctors look at things such as vitamins, yeast growth, immune systems, mercury in the blood.... I really think Mason may have too much yeast in his body.

We are still continuing the diet which is helping along with Early Intervention. The head shaking and arm flapping have gone away for the most part. Yesterday out in Pittsburgh we took Mason to the mall that had a place for the kids to play. He wasn't sure about the other kids and really didn't try to interact, but he did watch them and he was so excitied that he starting flapping. My little birdie standing there in the middle of ten kids flapping. It's cute but it's sad because we know there is a reason he does it. He's so excitied he just can't express himself yet.

He is able to name some things now. Car, truck, train, juice, up, down, eat, dad, mom, mason, clo clo (dog), cat, cow, goat, horse... It's a HUGE difference from two months ago. I'm so proud of him. He's working so hard to communicate. He enjoys the flash cards and he's proud of himself when he knows things. It's such a great improvement and to add that he's excitied about using his words is the best feeling!

Well, i've gone on long enough. Google autism if you don't know what it is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
ELMO IS AWESOME! 1-16-08 Current mood: accomplished
Mason said ELMO IS AWESOME! I couldn't believe it. Last night we were eating and Mason was sitting in his high chair and said it! I had been working on that sentence because he knew all three words. Well, last night he said it all by himself! This is his first real sentence! I'm so proud of my little man!

His speech is getting better. He says aligator, up, down, Mason, Elmo, delicious, juice, please, more (is slowly coming), cookie, kitty kitty, Chlo Chlo for Chloe (the dog), wow.. there's more but I can't really remember right now. His speech is coming along nicely! His therapists have even said the see a huge improvement!

Mason is also starting to know his letters! He knows most of them and really enjoys when we ask him! I knew he was smart, but this one surprised me! I was writing on his aquadoodle (the best toy ever) and I wrote an "I" for I love you. Mason said "I". I praised him but didn't really think to much of it for a second.. Then it clicked that he might know more, so I started asking him. I was surprised that he knew most of them!

Things are coming along! I can't wait for February 12th. I just want him officially diagnosed so he can get all the help he needs!

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Quick Update :)
Well, Mason's speech has been really improving. It's amazing. I really believe it's the gluten leaving his system. It can take up to 6 months for all gluten to be out of his system! Mason is saying his own name when prompted. He also says up, down and juice. I know believe he knows what these words actually mean! He has also said delicious when asked by his Grandma how his meal was! Now if he'd just say fergilicious! LOL

Therapy has started but mostly it has just been playing and more information for me and Jon than anything. The specialists have been impressed with how well he puts puzzels together and colors!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
OT specialist came today 12-11-07
Well the OT specialist came today. Mostly we did paperwork. That's been the story of our lives right now. She gave us a few suggestions. She didn't work with Mason at all today though. She is coming next thursday to start working with him. As for brushing his teeth, she wants us to take a cloth over his gums and teeth before we let him brush them. She said this should make it easier. We'll see. Sounds like a good reason to bite mommy if you ask me.. but she's the professional and i'll try anything at this point.

We also got the paperwork from the Early Intervention Evaluation today in the mail. That really has hit me hard. It says that in some areas he is like a 7 month old and 9 month old. I guess seeing it put in black and white is what hit me the hardest. I already knew it was coming.

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Early Intervention came today 12-6-07 Current mood: blessed
Well Mason qualified for Early Intervention to come help him in our home! Some things he scored ok on like for instance the gross motor skills he scored a 22. On some other things like communication he scored pretty low. His scores were a 9, 16, 22 and 7. His communication score was bad. The lady said that he was making pretty good eye contact though and he even sat on her lap! We will have a speech therapist and a OT specialist.

Some things we need to help him on are telling him red ball or yellow car. The lady said that she thinks he is absorbing the information he just isn't sure how to get it out. So Jon and I are going to start explaining more things to him.

Early Intervention has to contact us within 14 days from today to start working with him! I am so excitied that he qualified. I was just afraid he wouldn't get the help that he needs because he looks normal. I guess these specialist know what they're doing! I was so afraid to get a response of just give him time, he come out of it!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Mason 11-29-07 Current mood: cheerful
Mason keeps making progress. It's AMAZING what changing a diet can do! We get more eye contact everyday.

Last night, I was washing dishes and Mason made his giraffe walk across the floor all by himself! We hadn't even played with the giraffe all day! I also found his big thomas train that has wheels on the bottom and he was PUSHING it around! This is HUGE! He normally turns it over and spins the wheels but he actually played correctly with it!

Early Intervention is coming for his evaluation on the 6th! We only did paperwork with the last visit. Stacey basically asked what he was doing or wasn't doing that we were worrying and what changes we'd like to see from the therapy. That's easy, more eye contact, actually responds to his name most of the time, less hand flapping, less watching ceiling fans, more "playing" with toys and us, more speech, to know that saying juice = juice, more interaction with humans in general, less sliding his face across the carpet, less eating his clothes...

It's taking alot of work, but its worth it! I see so much improvement already! I'm so greatful! It's such a great start just changing what he's eating I can't wait until therapy starts!

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Mason 11-24-07 Current mood: excited
Wow is all I have to say! Mason is doing sooo much better just because of switching his diet! I can't believe it!

Last night he made his giraffe walk across the floor! It was so exciting! We also played together with golf clubs! He was trying to hit the ball and laughing when he did! He has never played with toys like this! Most of the time he would just toss them and relocate them to another area! This is a HUGE improvement!

His aggression seems to be fading away. Mostly I only get kicked when changing his diaper. It's much better than it was!

He also was playing with the cat door and laughing at me through it! He was looking at me the whole time! I love it! When he was looking through the cat door he saw his juice sitting on the basement steps (that's just where we store it). He left for a minute and came back and threw his cup through the door because he wanted juice!

Early Intervention is coming Monday! I can't wait! I am so excitied to get him started on this!
Also Mason had his pooh bear on our bed. I told him to get Pooh and he paid no attention. I pointed to Pooh and said Mason get pooh and HE DID IT! I am so proud of that little guy!

Friday, November 23, 2007
A little set back..11-23-07 Current mood: tired
Well, things are going well but we did have a little setback. Mason got ahold of Cheetos. We think he only had one or two but we're not even sure. He was a little different for awhile but he did calm down again.

Overall, things are going well. Mason is making more eye contact. He also put together his beads with his Aunt Brianna. He aslo stepped on CJ's tail and was careful not to do it again. He realized he hurt the dog.

Mason has been licking everything. He licks his fingers constantly since being on the diet. He also licks everything else. He has been chewing his clothes more. I'm not sure exactly why. He is also rubbing his eyes more and more it seems.

Today when I feed Mason his cereal he sat on my lap and actually relaxed. It's been a long time since he's felt like that in my arms. I gave him kisses and he actually let me touch him. I ususally don't even try to touch him if he is on my lap because i'm just happy to have him on my lap at all. Ususally once I touch him, he's gone.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mason 11-21-07
Mason is improving. He is starting to actually see me during the day. He makes eye contact. Not as much as a "normal" child but I see more from him. Mason has also noticed the animals in the house. He has actually tried to pet Chloe after seeing a commercial on Nick Jr about dogs. He had seen the commercial many MANY times but he finally realized they were talking about something he had. He aslo climbed on the couch and looked Felix (our cat) in the eyes!

Mason is more interested in books since starting the GFCF diet. There is a book with puzzle pieces in it and he puts that together now. Before he didnt' realize the pieces were supposed to go in the puzzle. Now he does! Last night he brought Jon a book and climbed on the love seat, layed beside him and let Jon read the book. That was a first! Mason has also been more patient when we read to him. He used to try to flip the pages constantly, now he is letting us actually read the book to him. He is also liking to color more. He is actually starting to do something productive during the day which is GREAT!

He is chewing and licking everything. He was licking purple thing this morning and he chews on his clothes a lot more than he used to.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Mason 11-20-07 Current mood: drained
Mason is improving more and more everyday. He is making more eye contact and sometimes he is responding on the first say of his name. He isn't looking everytime we say his name but it has gotten better. He does seem to be chewing on his clothes more.

He is realizing the world around him more. He holds blue when blues clues is on and he also was holding Pablo while backyardigans is on. He also has danced to the move episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. He does the hold still and stands on one leg and then wiggles wiggles wiggles. HUGE improvement! He has NEVER done anything like that before!

I gave Mason a bath this morning and he screamed the WHOLE time I washed him. Very unusual for him. He usually pulls his hands and feet away from me but he has never acted like this. I think it may be more withdrawal.... Which withdrawal symptoms are a good thing on this diet from what I read. It means Mason is actually withdrawing from something!
Also, Early Intervention is coming on Monday! It's amazing. Hopefully, we can pull Mason through the window of autism!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Mason 11/19/07 Current mood: okay
I don't know if i'm extremely hopeful or if I'm really seeing this. Mason's eye contact is getting better. He has looked at my eyes for 2 seconds or so which is a huge improvement. I think I see less head shaking and arm flapping.

Yesterday he saw blue on tv, ran up to his room brought blue down and held her to the tv. That was a first! Mason also sat on my lap himself. I told him to sit and he did! He was very proud of himself. He also brought me three different books, sat on my lap the whole time and didn't try to flip pages before I was done with that page.
He did wake up at 5 am today. That's waaaaay early for him. I gave him some soy yogurt and he went back to bed until 10:45.

Mason was pretty violent with Jon and I yesterday when we changed his diaper. He was kicking and wiggling around more that usual. Could be withdrawal. I'm not sure.
I'll keep everyone updated.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Started Mason on GFCF diet for possible Autism. Current mood: hopeful
So we've had Mr. Mason to two different peditricians and a neurologist so far. All three have said probable Autism or PDD. Our next appointment for diagnosis is not until February 12th. I think Jon and I might both go crazy until that appointment. The neurologist said there is nothing neurologlically wrong with him. He told me to get him into Early Intervention (which I called about on Thursday, the lady said I should hear back within 10 days).

The neurologist kinda made me feel like I was a bad mother for not realizing this earlier. I always thought he was bored with us. He was busy. I don't know. When it's your first child it's harder to see things I guess. I knew his speech was behind, but I always got he was a bigger baby and a boy. He will be behind...

I see changes in him already since we realized he probably has autism. Three weeks ago he finally started clapping. Usually he just moves his arms up and down like he is going to fly away. He still does this, but at least most of the time he claps. I read a book on ABA therapy which said about imitating him and the taking that action and try to get him to switch from flapping when he's happy to clapping. It worked! Yesterday, He also said hi to a complete stranger down at the Healthy Grocer in Camp Hill. I still can't believe that. I had switched him to soy milk three days ago. I wonder if that was why the improvement? That was just with cereal. I didn't start changing his whole diet until today.

Well, today I started Mason on The GFCF (gluten free casein free) diet. He had rice milk and some peanut butter cereal. Actually it wasn't bad. It kinda scared me. He ate it without hesitation so that was great!

Maybe it's just me, but I've said his name twice already this morning and he's looked both times. Usually it's four or five (at least) times I have to say his name. He has also brought me two different books to read to him already this morning. He's only been up since 9:15. Maybe he's just having a good day.
I'll try to keep everyone informed if your interested.
Pray for Mason!