Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New phrases coming out.

Well, last night Mason was tolerating us a little more. He has kind of isolated himself back into autism (regression). Things are getting a little better. He did cards with his TSS yesterday and today he has started telling us I love you if we say it to him. For a couple of days he wouldn't say it back to us, which is kind of weird because a lot of the time he tells us on his own. His eye contact is also improving, he will look at us for a longer time.

His speech is becoming clearer. This morning I woke up to him singing his ABC's. The part where you sing next time won't you sing with me was MUCH clearer.

He also has new phrases coming out. He walked outside today and said "it's very very hot outside". WOW. On a not so good note Mason has been saying "i feel sorry". Not sure what that's about but as his speech gets clearer I think we will continue to notice phrases that are incorrectly used.

Last night Mason got up from his nap and was VERY irritable. I wanted a kiss so I kind of got in his face and he screamed and ran away. (This was very common two years ago). I left him alone. Also, he wanted to ride his bike (smartcycle) and we were watching tv so we hooked up the bike in the bedroom and he threw a tantrum of screaming and laying down for at least 20 minutes. Not common at all anymore. Most of the time we can avoid a tantrum and if we can't two minutes is usually tops anymore (unless he has an ear infection).

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