Sunday, September 27, 2009

Let the fun begin...

Well today is day two with no antibiotic so it's been a long day. I gave him his bath and after his bath he laughed for 15 to 20 minutes straight. I have never seen him do this but from everything i've read this is very common. Usually most parents say the can hear their child laughing in the middle of the night. He's always very "silly" though which most parents say is because of yeast.

He did ask to sit on my lap today and last night he asked to sit on Jon's lap. That's a huge deal for him.

He also pet Felix (the cat) today nicely. Usually if he touches the animals he pounds on them. He was actually petting them. :)

He is chewing on everything again. His pants, his bike, he was even trying to chew his knee at one point.

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